Why I want to be a techy

Posted by Karen on Jul 15, 2016 12:00:00 AM
We've been lucky this week to have Nicole from Townley Grammar School join us on a week-long placement. She's been hanging out with all the departments but for some strange reason she really loves being around the techies (nerds!).

Here's how she got on:

Technology is embedded into our lives in ways we take for granted. The companies behind this developing technology are the real geniuses of the generation allowing it to become faster, more efficient and portable for us all.

However, it’s not just about the software it’s also about the programming that allows it to work. Working alongside the development department for two days, being able to shadow some of their projects, has given me insight into the depth of knowledge needed to ensure the code performs the intended task. One slight error can prevent the program running showing the precision required from each member of the team.

Although once these projects are created, how are they implemented to customers? Learning how the presales team acts as a bridge between customers and the sales team by helping them to understand the requirements needed and simplifying the tech content to make it more understandable, makes its clearer as to how these communications are made.

Moving onto human resources also highlighted how important it is to not just keep the customers contented but the employees too. Tech companies are highly dependent on each employee and so loyalty is vital. I was also able to sit in on a management training meeting in which employees were made to think of how their teams can perform effectively and the skills that are required from each member of their team.

Throughout my experience I have learnt the tech industry has a wider variety of roles than first expected and how these fundamental components need to be brought together to enable a tech company to be successful. It has also concreted my passion for continuing into the tech world with an endless amount of opportunities available.

That's it from Nicole! She's had a great week and you could too! If you want to come join us on a week placement email us and tell us why you'd be a good fit.

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