Where will you be watching the 2012 Olympic games from?

Posted by Karen on Dec 23, 2011 12:00:00 AM
The London Olympics 2012 is the next most exciting event since Common Wealth 2002. The games will open on 27 th July at the Olympic parks and Village in Strafford and will run until the closing ceremony on 12 th August. There will then be a two week transition period before the Paralympics Games open on 29 th August running for 11 days. Over 10.8 million tickets have been allocated for the 27 day period which will spread across a total of 34 venues and about quarter of the ticket holders will descend on London from overseas. However if you are one of the unlucky ones that didn’t get a ticket, where will you be watching the games from? From our previous analysis the internet looks to be the first port of call for most business workers during any major news event such as Wimbledon, Mr Murdoch and riots and looting across the UK. With anything between 50% to 60% increase in traffic and over 50% of that being identified as BBC’s iPlayer traffic. So if your employees are working during the games how will accommodate for this? So it is not only worth considering bandwidth requirements now to enable staff to watch the games, but more importantly protect your business's day to day activities online during the games. This can be solved in a number of ways by limiting access via the corporate firewalls, implementing QoS or even looking at dedicated links for different purposes. All we can be sure about is that bandwidth will be higher than any major event we have witnessed so far this year.
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