There’s a clever fridge

Posted by Karen on Jan 24, 2012 12:00:00 AM
This week saw LG launch its new SMART fridge at the Consumer Electronics Show. While ‘white goods’ aren’t normally on my radar, the new LG SMART fridge has caught my eye. Not only does it put connectivity to a very clever use , it also quite simply offers an ingenuous solution to a very common problem. The SMART fridge has a large LCD touch-screen and camera, as well as an internet connection which allows it to download recipes and automatically add food to a user's online shopping account when stocks are running low. Once a recipe is chosen, the fridge can switch on the oven to the correct temperature and set a timer via a wireless connection.  All that is left is for the cook to follow the recipe displayed on the LCD screen on the fridge door. The camera allows you to see what is in your fridge from a mobile phone, including sell-by dates of foods - handy if you have left your shopping list at home. If all of that doesn’t strike you as compelling enough a reason to seriously consider buying into this ‘Next-Gen’ lifestyle, then consider this next feature; the fridge's "blast-chiller" drawer, which swirls chilled air to prevent ice crystals from forming, can chill a bottle of wine in eight minutes and a beer can in five. SOLD. The SMART fridge highlights the opportunities presented to us by internet connectivity and also the pressing need for IPv6 adoption. In recent times we have witnessed the explosion of handheld devices, such as smart phones and tablets, all needing their own IP address, now it would appear our household devices are set to become net-centric too. Such developments not only exacerbate the depletion of IPv4, they also illustrate the benefit of IPv6 – as the protocol allows for multiple devices to have individual IP public addresses behind one connection.
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