Sunday Times Tech Track 100 for the third year running

Posted by Karen on Nov 28, 2013 12:00:00 AM
Last night was the Top 100 Tech Track Awards presentation event sponsored by the Sunday Times, Hiscox and Barclays. This is our third year running that Fluidata has made it into the list and this year we even had a feature in the iPad version of the Sunday Times.

With growth exceeding 40% year on year for the past 5 years the business has benefited from a number of big client wins and continues to serve the industry with our Service Exchange Platform. It just shows that while the focus in the industry may be on applications that there are still opportunities in building world class networks that support the next generation of services and businesses.

With plans to stay in the Tech Track in the coming years the team are working hard on developing our products and services further to meet this ambition.
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