Revenge of the Bandits

Posted by Karen on Apr 19, 2016 12:00:00 AM
“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in” Anonymous Bandit The Bandwidth Bandits are back! Yes, after a short hiatus, connectivity’s’ most lovable rag-tag bunch of amateur athletes are back for another gruelling challenge – and this time, it’s personal. Well not strictly personal, but you get the point we’re trying to make (creating emphasis, basically). On Sunday 8th May 2016 (or judgement day as it’s known internally), the Bandits will tackle the Wings for Life World Run in Cambridge. The goal here is to run as far as you can before you’re caught by the catcher car. Once you’re caught, it is goodnight Vienna and your race is over. In short, the World Run is the only race where the finish line actually catches you. Now you can look at this in two ways, if you’re terribly unfit, like me, then you can simply run for about thirty minutes in slow motion before being overtaken by the catcher car (which is slowly increasing in speed), where you will then proceed to lie down and try not to have a heart attack. However, if you’re like super motivated and a show-off, you can try your hardest not to be overtaken and really push yourself to see how far you can go. Embarrassing I know as everybody knows that trying hard is seriously uncool. To give you an idea of how far you can go without being caught, last year’s winner, Lemawork Ketema, ran 79.9km before finally being overtaken. Wow, 80km, that’s ridiculously impressive. When I first heard that I was sure that the catcher car (driven by David Coulthard) must’ve got a puncture – but apparently David Coulthard is a better driver than that so I guess not. The race takes place in 34 locations around the world simultaneously with thousands of participants running side-by-side in order to raise money for spinal cord research. Wings for Life is our partner charity of the year and we’ll be (seriously) trying our best to raise as much as we can for this important cause. We are proud to support Wings for Life as our official charitable partner where 100% of donations go directly towards finding a cure for spinal cord injury. You can help us out by giving us some cash – and then if you still want to help us out you can donate to Wings for Life through our Virgin Money Giving page. Bandits assemble!

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