Release of Apple iOS 7 Software Leads to Internet Surge across the Fluidata Network

Posted by Karen on Sep 25, 2013 12:00:00 AM
A trend we’ve watched with some interest here at Fluidata over the last few years is the surges in traffic across our network during popular sporting events. The Olympics last year providing perhaps the best example.

Last week we witnessed another extreme spike in traffic but in this case as a consequence of Apples’ IOS 7 software release.  During the first 24 hours of the software becoming available, traffic on our network increased by up to 40% (as demonstrated on the graph below). The file size required for the download of the operating system was relatively high, around 730 MB, but the heavy usage on our network owes more to the ubiquity of Apple products and the rise of BYOD.

Whilst we have ample capacity on our network to cope with the increase in usage, one would assume that many organisations’ networks struggled with the increase in demand for bandwidth. Such instances serve to highlight that while BYOD brings many benefits the loosening of control that IT departments once enjoyed does present its own set of challenges.
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