Prepare your business

Posted by Karen on Sep 14, 2009 12:00:00 AM
I have recently been reading in magazines such as Computer Weekly about the importance of remote backup and disaster recovery (DR). According to a recent survey, one in three businesses does not undertake DR and remote backup as they believe it will significantly disrupt their revenue. What is more concerning is that should a disaster strike happen it could mean a loss of £4,300 per hour while company's databases and web servers are out of action. This year 70% of senior executives such as CIOs and CTOs are taking a vested interested in ensuring they have appropriate DR and remote backup in place. This leads me nicely on to Fluidata’s recent product, Remote Backup. It is a software-based application, which sits on key servers on your network and continuously replicates data to core storage servers which are located in multiple datacentres including systems in Fluidata’s new disaster recovery datacentre in Hemel Hempstead. This datacentre is far enough out of London to classify as DR while being close enough to London for live replication. By automating the backup system businesses are able to concentrate more on doing business rather than having to worry about their data in times of crisis.
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