Playroom is ready!

Posted by Karen on May 26, 2009 12:00:00 AM
We have just launched our “Playroom” at our sales office in London. If you are currently looking to change your services or would like to experience another product then our demo room is the perfect place to start. The idea is to deliver all our products from ADSL2+, SDSL, Advance, PureFluid and even fibre into this room so you can see firsthand how the services perform. You can even bring along your own equipment to test with. The room also has one of only two LifeSize video presence suites which your account manager will be more than happy to fire up so you talk in full HD with the other system in Manchester. You haven’t experienced video conferencing until you have seen this solution and while it may be overkill for your current requirements it will demonstrate what is possible. So if you want to meet your account manager and over a coffee see the technology we always talk about, give us a call.
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