Office closure over Christmas & New Year

Posted by Karen on Dec 2, 2011 12:00:00 AM
We will be taking orders up until Friday the 23 rd December 2011. After that day there will be no sales or provisioning department available, support however will continue as normal. The office will reopen on 3rd January 2012. In regards to our network freeze: Last day for core network configuration changes will be December 20 th, this is in line with the industry standard and to ensure maximum network uptime. This will mean new customers and changes for existing customers configurations for leased line and collocation will not go live until 3 rd of January. Standard DSL/PureFluid connections can continue to go live, however the last day for shipping hardware to customers will be 21 st of December. This is a precaution due to the higher delivery failure rate at Christmas. If you have any questions please contact your account manager.
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