Murdoch more interesting than tennis

Posted by Karen on Jul 22, 2011 12:00:00 AM
The beginning of the month saw internet traffic jump by almost 70 per cent at times - due to the Wimbledon Quarter Finals. We can now report a similar, but greater, surge centred on the recent Culture, Media and Sport select committee hearings.

The Murdoch’s appearance at the committee on Tuesday 19th generated 45 per cent more internet traffic and even topped the highest traffic figures seen during Wimbledon. Traffic levels peaked at around 3pm as Tom Watson set about grilling Rupert Murdoch, and peaked again at around 5pm as Jonnie Marbles attempted to launch a foam pie at Murdoch Sr. At around 6pm the committee turned its attention to Rebekah Brooks and the high levels of traffic began to drop away, indicating that although people were clearly interested in the questioning, they were more interested in getting home for the day.

Of course, with the plethora of social media platforms available and the number of internet streaming services that broadcast major events live it’s to be expected that people will try to access these sites while at work, the real question is, can the ISPs cope with the increased demand especially with the Olympics around the corner.
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