Launch of our bonded FTTC - PureFluid PULSE

Posted by Karen on May 16, 2012 12:00:00 AM
Fluidata are delighted to announce the launch of our new bonded FTTC service. The first PureFluid PULSE service went live with a trial customer last month, and as you will see from this case study, we now have every reason to offer it to any client or prospective client lucky enough to benefit from it. The PureFluid PULSE service can aggregate up to three 80 Mb/s down, 20 Mb/s up PULSE circuits, delivering superfast speeds of up to 200 Mb/s down and 60 Mb/s up. As with all PureFluid solutions, PureFluid PULSE also comes fortified with true resilience, via either any additional DSL line (separate carrier) or 3G connectivity that is delivered over the same IP. PureFluid PULSE can claim to be a genuine leased line alternative; offering as good as or even better speeds than fibre and a high service level guarantee.
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