How to become a Tech Genius in 5 days!

Posted by Karen on Mar 31, 2016 12:00:00 AM

This week we are delighted to have had Abdul Mudawi join us on a week long work experience placement. Here's how he got on...


I’ve had the fantastic opportunity to work at Fluidata for a week long experience to expose me to the corporate world of technology and how departments within the company achieve such great success. The opportunity initially arose through my on-going enterprise with the managing director who offered the chance for me to work with each department and understand the individual expectations and how this contributes to growing the company.

I first began with the human resources department where assisted the director with 2016/7 training plans, recruitment, employee reviews and a new policies administration. Which was really fun and allowed me to understand how maintaining the well-being and culture of the business is crucial to its growth.

I then assisted the finance department, where I was exposed to the process of filing invoices, managing the company’s financial accounts and reviewing the profitability of recent sales. Although it took a while for me to understand the numbers and maintain organisation, I soon picked up the pace and began independently handling the roles and responsibilities.

Marketing was the next department I worked with, where I produced promotional material for social media accounts and designed new articles for Fluidata services. This allowed me to summon my creativity and modernise the brand awareness.

Finally, I moved to the sales department, and luckily for myself it was the last day of the financial year which allowed me to experience the importance of recurring sales and how hard this department works to maintain financial and customer growth for the company.

I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learnt new skills which will benefit me for eternity; I would also highly recommend this company to any prospective employees/customers as the culture and environment I was welcomed to has been invaluable.

I will now use the skills and experience to continue working with the company to eventually establish my own business and build my empire from the basis of brilliant experience I’ve had.

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