Getting ready for the Olympics

Posted by Karen on Nov 10, 2011 12:00:00 AM
260 days to go Ahead of next year’s Olympics and Paralympics the technological team behind the event have been in full preparation to make sure the technical operations and IT frameworks are ready to deliver real-time results for the games. A team of 450 have been busy testing and experimenting with the systems to ensure data processing is working at a high standard. An archery test event at Lord’s was the first of many in depth test events used to test the coordination and monitoring efforts for the 450 man IT Team. Paul Deighton, chief executive of the London organising committee ( Locog) said the test run ‘went well’, and it seems the team are ready and prepared for every contingency, ‘security is a big concern and cyber security is a big part of that, and we have to be attentive to all the risks’. The preparation involved shows us how important it is to prepare technology for its future use, so far 200,000 hours of testing has gone into the 24/7 Technology Operations Centre in Canary Wharf to ensure there will be no slip-ups...
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