FluidOne appoints Russell Horton as CEO

Posted by Karen on Sep 9, 2021 12:00:00 AM
Russell Horton has been appointed CEO of FluidOne. Russell was previously COO at Elite Group and has held a number of leadership roles across the telecoms and IT sectors including senior positions at both Daisy and Vodafone. “We are delighted Russell has joined to lead the team at FluidOne through a period of accelerated growth, both organically and acquisitively. The market opportunities are significant for FluidOne which is now in a great position having successfully merged cloud and data communications business Fluidata with mobile business One Point. Russell joins with a wealth of experience across the sector in cloud, data, voice and mobile services having aided the growth of Elite over the last 3 years.” commented John Taylor, Director of Investments at Rigby Technology, part of Rigby Group plc who are the parent company of FluidOne.
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