Broadband investment – in the city or rural areas?

Posted by Karen on Dec 5, 2011 12:00:00 AM
The UK are currently ranked 25 th in the world in terms of broadband speed, according to reports, with the average speed at 6.8 Mb/s. George Osborne has recently announced that cities will be rolling out higher broadband coverage with an estimate £5bn spend to improve the infrastructure. This investment will see superfast speeds of between 80-100 Mb/s. However critics have argued that the money would be better spent on boosting speeds in rural areas – an investment that would help reach the government’s target of having everyone in the UK receiving at least 2 Mb/s, and the best broadband in Europe by 2015. Investment in rural areas is important not only will it boots business in those areas, it will also enhance competition and will give customers more choice. Fluidata are at the forefront of rolling out rural broadband, turning not spots into hot spots! The cost for ISP’s to set up and connect to the rural networks could be significant. We aim to cut the cost for ISP’s by connecting to the rural networks directly, then provide one network for ISP’s to connect to.
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