The Benefits of Cloud Storage

Posted by Karen on Dec 4, 2015 12:00:00 AM
Technology and data are so firmly embedded into the heart of every business that the problem of how and where to store data has led to a sharp rise in the use of cloud storage for business. Most of us will use services such as Dropbox or Google Apps in our private lives, and in business Amazon Web Services (AWS) is so ubiquitous that it’s almost a household name. Here, we outline the biggest benefits of using business cloud storage systems.


Probably the biggest initial driver for businesses to use cloud storage is the flexibility it gives you. Cloud storage is infinitely scalable. Businesses can increase storage as they need more (most cloud services will have various options that allow you to scale up so you won’t run out of space), and only pay for what they use. If your business is growing, this is invaluable.

Disaster recovery

Because everything is automatically backed up, data recovery in the event of a disaster is straightforward. Cloud backups eliminate the need for backup drives and tapes locally (and the need for someone to manage that process).

Cost reduction

You won’t pay for storage that you will not use, but if you need more for a short time, or your business sees seasonal spikes in data storage needs, you can scale up or down without forking out for local servers. You’ll also save on management costs – no need to update equipment and software, or to have the expertise in-house to do that. CapEx is low – typically storage solutions will be pay as you go, with no capital outlay.

Remote access

Remote working is fast becoming a business benefit, as well as an employee benefit. The ability for your team to access files from anywhere is an efficient way to do business, as well as being an important factor in business continuity. If your office building is inaccessible for any reason, your team can carry on working as normal.


Many cloud services (such as Google Apps for Business) will allow collaboration on documents, eliminating the problem of version control and reducing the amount of confidential information that has to be shared and sent over unsecured email.


Business-grade cloud storage solutions will have security built in. For the most confidential information, you may choose to build a private cloud, or use a hybrid cloud – a mixture of private and public cloud - connecting via VPN. This means you should never need to download confidential documents to local devices, which reduces the chance of human error leading to a security breach, or information leak. Connecting to information this way is usually far more secure than hosting it on a local server. Cloud services should use encryption and access control, and all data should be housed in secured datacentres. The specialist knowledge and management of the most up to date security systems should be built into the storage team, meaning you don’t have to have it in-house.

For more information on how Fluidata can help you use cloud-based storage, get in touch with us.
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