Bandwidth Bandits demolish Mud Runner

Posted by Karen on Oct 22, 2012 12:00:00 AM
This weekend saw eighteen Bandwidth Bandits take on the challenge of Mud Runner and compete in a 12 KM off road race across some of the toughest terrain known to man. For the past 80 years Eastnor Castle has played home to Land Rover who use the 5,000 acres as a proving ground for their cars. For the race the hills, ruts, water and lots of mud left by the cars is turned into a gruelling race which saw over 2,500 people compete.

The Bandwidth Bandits obviously demonstrated their ‘Train Hard, Fight Easy’ philosophy by achieving excellent times across the course and with minimal injury. This was of course all in aid of charity and so far the team have raised nearly £800 for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. If you would like to contribute your donation would be gratefully received
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