Bandwidth Bandits conquer World Run

Posted by Karen on May 11, 2016 12:00:00 AM
After much excitement and anticipation, The Wings for Life World Run finally took place on Sunday across the globe as over 130,000 runners competed in support of spinal cord research. Runners began at the same time in various cities across the world with the goal being to stay ahead of the catcher car for as long as possible without being overtaken. This year’s overall champion was Italy’s Giorgio Calcaterra who ran a monster 88.44 kilometres before finally being caught by the catcher car. But how did our own Bandwidth Bandits get on? Well in a race that you can finish by literally just standing still and letting a car overtake you, we’re pleased to announce that our 16 participants all ran their hearts out and posted respectable distances in the process. Our own winner was Conor Hampton who ran a very impressive 22.52 kilometres before being caught. “I really enjoyed running for a great cause,” Conor said after the race; “it was a whole lot of fun participating with my work colleagues and I’d just like to congratulate Simon on finishing second!” Conor was, of course, referring to the fiercely competitive and odds on pre-favourite Simon Matthews who, despite not winning the internal competition between the Bandits, still posted a fantastic 20.85 km himself. Collectively, the Bandwidth Bandits ran well over 200 kilometres and all were quick to sing the praises of the event and the city afterwards. “It was like we were running inside of a Monet painting,” said participant James Moran; “Cambridge is a very pretty city to run in – even on the hottest day of the year!” The Bandwidth Bandits efforts raised £5,333.54 for Wings for Life and they would like to send a huge thank you to everyone that donated towards this great cause. If you’d like to learn more about Wings for Life and their cause, you can do so by heading to their website.
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